If you're planning to renovate concrete flooring by applying a protective finish to it, then you'll need to rely on a bonding agent. The selected finish will then adhere to your concrete flooring's surface a lot better. If you follow these tips when using said products on concrete flooring, you'll have fewer regrets.

Pressure Wash Concrete Floors if Dirty

There may be several different substances on your concrete floors, such as grease and oil. You'll want to remove them carefully before applying a bonding agent because this step will ultimately help you get better results.

Removing these substances won't be as time-consuming or difficult if you just use a pressure washer. You can then move pressurized water over areas that have left-over residues, leaving behind a clean surface that's more receptive to bonding agents you've selected for a particular protective finish. 

Make Sure the Agent is Compatible with the Protective Finish 

After selecting a finish to put on concrete floors, you need to make sure you go with a bonding agent that's compatible with it. This is the only way you're going to have optimal application results where you don't have to make a bunch of time-consuming adjustments in the future.

For instance, if you're planning to put epoxy on your concrete floors, you need to get a bonding agent that supports epoxy in particular. Verifying finish compatibility isn't that difficult if you thoroughly read through a bonding agent's description.

Perform an Echo Test After the Application

Once you apply a bonding agent to all areas of concrete flooring that you're treating with a protective finish, go ahead and test out your application with an echo test. You'll just need a small hammer for this.

Tap on an area of concrete flooring that received the bonding agent. If it has an echo, that means the agent didn't properly bond. You then will need to address this issue with potentially more applications. Whereas, if you don't hear any echoing after taping the concrete flooring with a hammer, that's a good sign the bonding agent worked. You can then proceed to apply your selected finish.

Probably the best way to ensure a finish adheres properly to concrete flooring is to use a bonding agent. There are many available today. As long as you find the right one and follow recommended protocols during its application, you'll have no trouble performing this type of renovation to concrete flooring around your property. 

For more information, reach out to a concrete floor finish bonding agent supplier, such as Zirconia, near you.
